#Inequality so close and far at the same time @blogactionday #BAD2014

#Inequality is all around us; sometimes we think it is something big, for example industrialised countries vs developing ones or north vs south or west vs east. But inequality is something that is extremely embedded in the way us humans are, so embedded that sometimes we don’t even realise it happens all around us.

Think for a second about your everyday life, from when you wake up and have breakfast, how many from those you know don’t have it. Maybe because a parent won’t care about what the kid eats, it is not bothered. Or maybe because they do not have the resources to provide. Think about what you wear, how you get to school or work or the activity of your choice. It can be that your best friend, the person next to you cannot do it and wants it. For any reason that it maybe, it is a form of inequality.

#BAD2014 & #BlogAction14 on #Oct16 gives us a day to think about it. How privilege you are, maybe you think you are not but if you just think for one more second you will realise that you are. Each of us have so much, and this does not mean economically, but culturally, socially or in many other ways that other people close of far away from us wish and cannot have.

#Inequality is not out there, far away, in the other side of the world. Is always around us, next door or even inside our doors; because in some way you are privileged or have something that someone else wish; because we are lucky or because at some point somebody favourite us.

So think about it and when you once think, this is not fare, this is not equal and you feel because of it; just accept it, because for sure in some more other ways the balance is in your favour.

Inequality is here, around us, all the time.

It is important to realise it, acknowledge it and act. And do not even forget we are privileged people and unfortunately there are many other places in the world where the #inequality gap is much much bigger…. @blogactionday


About DrAbella

Originally from Barcelona where I studied Biochemistry and did a PhD on Diabetes. Moved to France to continue medical research on cancer for a Post-doc. Something was missing and decided to try a year of full-time teaching. Starting my 10th year now, 10 years internationally and loving it.
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1 Response to #Inequality so close and far at the same time @blogactionday #BAD2014

  1. maamej says:

    That is so true. Often it’s easier to focus on the big things happening in other places, but inequality is all around us everyday in many ways both small and large.


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